Change Log

Change Log

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Change Log

AmazeRepricer is constantly improving and going better and bigger everyday. Here you can find the improvements in software release versions.

Current Stable Version : v3.0.2
Next Upcoming Release: v3.0.3


Repricer Updates

  • 4 years ago Add Added compete with only Buy box winner condition
  • 4 years ago Add Improved Email Notifications and Reprorts
  • 5 years ago Add Added Repricer Mode. Reprice only when notifications received from amazon
  • 5 years ago Update Users who did not integrated account can restart Full 15 day Trial Plan Again
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed Incorrect Error Message by setting Min Max Prices for single products
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed incorrect error message while importing CSV
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed CSV issue if product name contained comma
  • 5 years ago Add Added Feature of Global Min Max Prices
  • 5 years ago Add Added Feature of Rule Based Min Max Prices
  • 5 years ago Add Added Feature to Apply Specific Rule Per Product
  • 5 years ago Add Added Popular Rule Templates
  • 5 years ago Add Intro Added to Repricer for Quick Help and Documentation
  • 5 years ago Removed Removed Can Beat and Cannot Beaten mode from Repricer Configuration
  • 5 years ago Add Added New RepricerMode (Reprice only when Minimum & Maximum Prices per individual product is set.)
  • 5 years ago Add Added New Repricer Mode (Repricer all products Mode for Universal Repricing and Quick Mode)
  • 5 years ago Add Added New Repricer Mode ( Reprice only when Minimum & Maximum Prices per individual product is NOT set.)
  • 5 years ago Add Added Buybox Icon Before SKU in My Products
  • 5 years ago Add Improved Bulk update Features
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed CSV import error for CSV's created via Mac Numbers Software
  • 5 years ago Add Added Buy Box Prices. Now You can see all Buy Box prices and lowest priced offers for products.
  • 8 years ago Update AmazeRepircer Launched
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