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Hello again, In previous article I explained how AmazeRepricer observes, improves and helps to increase your Amazon Sales. Now lets see how to create your account and link amazon account to AmazeRepricer in 3 simple steps..

Step1: Create Account

What I like with AmazeRepricer is its super easy to signup with social networking, Next Time when you come just click on social accounts and you are in.

Terry Jhonson CEO PR Media

As above review from our customer says connecting via your google or facebook account to amazerepricer is super easy. just visit signin page click on the social network which you like and your account is created.

You have to further set your own password so that you can login directly to amazerepricer in future whenever you like without going via social login.

Step2: Choosing Plan

Once you signup you can login to the site and either you can start your free trial or purchase the package you wish. Remember we have a free plan upto one year for amazon sellers who are lust launched and to help them to grow we do not charge for their first 10 inventories.  Once you choose a desired plan and start plan the next step is connecting your amazon account to AmazeRepricer account.

Step 3: Connecting you Amazon Seller Account.

Connect Amazon Seller Central Account with AmazeRepricer

Updated 28 Aug 2019

The New seller central interface changed menu to authorise apps

New Menu Amazon Seller Central

Authorise Apps

  1. Click on App Store and from dropdown menu select “Manage Your Apps”
  2. Click on “Authorise New Developer”
  3. visit to you amazon seller central developer portal MWS Marketplace Webservices and select Sign up or manage Amazon MWS
  4. Once you open that page login to your amazon account Either click on “Authorise Developer” or you will see the following page.

3. Choose second option “I want to authorize an application to access my Amazon seller account with Amazon MWS.”
4. Enter Developer Name : 
Application’s Developer Account Number : 9730-0000-6758
5.  Click on the Next Button.
6. On the Next Page you will see “Your Seller (Merchant) ID” and “Your Amazon Auth. Token” copy the both and         paste inside the tow different blocks (text boxes) on AmazeRepricer setup page to connect your both accounts, and thats all.

In this article we studied how to connect your amazon account with AmazeRepricer account. If you feel any difficulty you can contact our customer support  or Chat with our operator from our homepage.

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Article Updates

  • 6 years ago Add Added Point 1 and 2 for new MWS App Store Interface
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